lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

When The Going Gets Good

When the going gets good, what do the good do? 

After class this morning, I was considering how fortunate I am and how many opportunities I have.  Life is busy, but it's not hectic, or stressful.  I've reached a very enviable position in my life and so I was thinking about this and what I should do about it. 

Having put so much effort in to get to this point, I feel like sitting back and putting my legs up for a rest.  Not a long rest, just enough to feel rested, or bored even.  But then it occurred to me that this period of rest could be used to step up my spiritual endeavours.  I mean, when things are tough, it's a struggle to think positively and do extra volunteer work and think of others, then when things are good, it's also tough to do those things because you just want to chill out for a bit.

It's during the good times when we have the opportunity to really take a jump and reach some of our goals!  And the good times are not guaran-teed to last long, so you want to make the most of the time you get! 

I'm reminded of surfers - when the waves are poor, they get on with their regular routine, but when the waves are good, they're out there, ready to catch that wave.  If we're taking a rest, we might miss the big one!
- - - - -
Ross Galán, NLP Spiritual Life Coach
at the Spiritual Life Coaching School

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