lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

God Does Exist vs. He/She/It Doesn’t

I've come to a point where a theme such as 'God' is quite 'difficult' to deal with, considering there are loads and loads of people worldwide who seem to be uneasy upon hearing the word 'God' (or religion or spiritual/ity/Spirit). Here, use any word that fits into your belief or disbelief of the existence of 'God'. You may, if you will, use Higher Consciousness, Heart, Energy, Supreme Being, Vital Force... ANYTHING, so long you feel comfortable with it! OK?

Recently, someone left me a message stating that my spirituality is not true spirituality, it's just the latest trend - or something to that effect.  At first I was tempted and wanted to say, "Well, actually, ..." and head into an argument of why I felt he was wrong.  But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and any amount of arguing I did would probably not change his mind.  To enter into debate would be a waste of time for both of us.  And my faith does not promote wasting time, but using everything in a worthwhile way. 

And besides, he may be right.  It's a fairly new faith - about 70 years old.  But after 4 years of scrutinizing Brahma Kumaris, I cannot find any inconsistencies, I cannot find anything that 'doesn't fit'.  So, I'm happy with it and intend to stay on this path.  And I don't feel the need to defend my decision.
But I see all these blogs in the religion and philosophy section arguing for or against the existence of God.  And it makes me wonder:

1.  Why is it that people feel it's so important to defend 'their' position?  Are they so doubtful that they have to keep re-iterating their arguments to convince themselves?

2.  Do they really believe that their argument is going to convert anyone to their side?  Do they really believe their arguments are infallible when even the greatest thinkers have not been able to prove one way or the other?

3.  Do Christians really believe that quoting the Bible proves the existence of God to those who don't believe in the Bible in the first place? 

4.  Do Atheists really believe that their arguments which are based on the Christian understanding of God still hold when speaking to those of other-than-Christian faiths?

God does not need my arguments to defend him.  He only requests that I live my life according to His example, because He knows, actions speak louder than words.

- - - - -
Ross Galán, NLP Spiritual Life Coach
at the Spiritual Life Coaching School

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