lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Tricky Maya (or Illusion)
Who is Maya?  Maya is illusion.  Maya is deceit.  Maya is the little red critter who sits on my shoulder and whispers little encouragements to get me to do things that I know I shouldn't.  Maya is playful and clever and tricky.  Maya has a rationalization for everything.  Maya is my great-est teacher. She knows my weaknesses and exposes them.  Maya chases me, stalks me, she won't leave me alone.  She grabs my nose and slaps me.

We all have a Maya - a mischievous little imp who throws up obstacles to our self progress.  And when we least expect her, she's there.  For her, it's a game.  For us, she's our downfall!  All will be going well, and then we're hit by the storms of Maya.   

One most effective tool of Maya is guilt.  She uses guilt so powerfully.  She trips me up, and then I feel guilty for having been careless.  The guilt does not go away easily.  First I feel guilt, then I feel disheartened, then I feel unworthy, and finally powerless.  With one trip up, Maya has rendered me powerless. 
So, how do I disarm Maya?  By refusing to feel guilty. And this is how.
Firstly, when I slip up, I usually know or I usually find out.  As soon as I know, I correct it in any way I can - apologize, fix whatever has been broken, or at the very least, learn from the mistake.  OK, some things cannot be fixed.  But I am responsible for righting my wrongs in the best way possible.
Secondly, past is past.  Once the wrong has been committed, it cannot be uncommitted.  So to sulk and feel guilty is not helping anyone.  I will have to face the return of the action anyway - am I thinking I'll get less of a return because I pile on more guilt?  Is feeling guilty going to help others forgive me faster?  Does my guilt help others?  Not likely.  All is needed is discernment, 'Yes, I've committed a wrong.  Yes, I feel remorse.  Yes, I have learned my lesson.' Time to move on.

Thirdly, I keep my self respect.  Hanging onto guilt leads you to powerlessness.  How can this be good?  Surely, if you fell because of a weakness, then you need building up to strengthen yourself, not tearing yourself down through self-loathing.  The me who feels unworthy is more likely to commit the wrong again than the me who is feeling renewed strength.  I would say that anyone who falls often with the same weakness is probably suffering from feelings of unworthiness. 

Maya is playing a game with us.  We have to remember that it's just a game.  Stay light, stay loving, and stay on your seat of self respect.  Maya might knock you down, but don't let her keep you there.
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Ross Galán, NLP Spiritual Life Coach
Spiritual Life Coaching School

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