Self Development Techniques to Encourage and Empower You
A "Self Development Technique" is an activity you practice intentionally that enhances your personal development, growth, and wellbeing. It's an action you repeat, rather than do just once, so it needs to be understandable, easy, enjoyable, and encouraging. It needs to be comfortable or natural enough that you'll practice it, yet different enough from what you usually do in order to assist you in making a positive change toward self improvement. Using a Self Development Technique
Problems can be a powerful impetus for starting a personal growth program or seeking a technique. While it's not necessary that you have a "problem" to practice a technique that encourages your growth and development, it is important that you identify a subject and an intention. When you practice a particular technique in one area of your life, you will likely find that it's applicable to and improves other areas of your life. If not, you can easily find another empowering technique that will work for you. An effective Personal Development Technique for you is one which helps you to feel more empowered, more efficient, more effective, more inspired, and/or more encouraged. One that is ideal for someone else may miss your own needs; one that is ideal for you may miss someone else's needs.
If you have a process or plan for your life's improvement, you will be more likely to find the right Personal Development Techniques for you. To be useful, your process or plan will be constantly evolving, and the techniques will as well.
Subject or Focus for a Self Development Technique
A "Subject" is the area you want to change; it is the focus of your attention for the technique that you choose. It may be general or specific. Examples of general subjects are family, work, health, money, relationships. Examples of specific subjects are relationship with Todd, tomorrow's staff meeting, regular exercise. Identifying one subject encourages you to focus on it rather than on multiple situations. Of course, all the subjects in your life interrelate, but when you can focus on just one segment at a time, you will enhance and improve all the other segments as well.
Intention for Your Own Techniques
Intention is broader than a goal. A goal is important; it is simply more specific than intention. Desired results are also helpful to identify; again, they are more specific than intention. It’s important to find the proper level of specificity, as you want to be focused enough, without limiting the Universe to deliver what you truly desire.
Specific Self Development Techniques
Let Nature Teach You
Here are Self Development Techniques to date:* Building Self Confidence: Describe Your Empowerment Stance
* Decide to Feel Good: It's Your Choice
* Experience Your Greatness: Affirm Your Magnificence
* Know When Enough is Enough
* Moving Forward with Confidence in a Challenging Situation
* Self Empowerment by Transforming a Phrase
* The Power of Intention Increases When You Write It
* I will be publishing additional techniques for Self Development
online soon as possible, such as:
* Look for the Joy in Every Experience
* Leverage Your Accomplishments
* Find New Ways to do Required or Mundane Tasks
* Enhance Your Relationship with Money
* Select and Use a Metaphor to Guide You
Self Improvement Articles for Your Empowering Personal Development
Self improvement articles are powerful resources available on the Internet and in print. Some are short and simple; others are lengthy and complex. Those that are the most empowering are the ones filled with a variety of ideas and practical suggestions that encourage and inspire you to make the footprints in the sand that you most want to make.
When you want information on the Internet about empowering personal development, all you need to do is search for your specific interest area in a word or two and you'll receive many, many results. If you add the word "articles" after your search term, you're likely to find fewer results but the resources will be written articles. So you might search for "personal growth articles," or "personal development articles" or Personal change articles," or "self help articles," just to name a few.
Here are self improvement articles about principles and practices related to areas of my personal development expertise and interests. Words and phrases that describe this expertise include self improvement, self development, personal growth, self growth, personal change, inspiration, and empowerment. The intention of the articles published here is to encourage and inspire you to make the positive changes you want to make in your thinking and in your life. It's up to you to find and use what you most need for your self improvement.
In addition to this broad field of personal development and self improvement, I have particular specialties that include relaxation, meditation, visualization and imagery, manifesting change, and positive use of language. Initially, I'll be the only author of these self development articles, but in the near future, I will invite others to contribute articles.
In my Self Improvement Articles, I like to explain principles that underpin specific techniques and tools. Sometimes, of course, you'll just want to know what to do to fix a problem and not be concerned with any rationale or principles. I understand that dynamic fully, which is the reason I've established both the Techniques and Quick Tips sections here at Empowering Personal Development. As your time and interests prompt you, I hope the information presented will guide you to the most encouraging and inspiring resources for you.
Self Improvement Articles Just For You
Personal and Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Abundance and Prosperity are More than Money focuses on three dynamics that often are interwoven for empowering or disempowerment.
- Creating Calmness with Chaos All Around suggests ways for you to find or create your own calmness in and with the chaos of life; the article also introduces a webinar.
- Decisions for Empowering Your Life focuses on the variety of decisions you make in your life. Every decision is a choice which shapes your journey.
- Energy Balance for Enhanced Effectiveness discusses ideas about energy balance as an approach to personal effectiveness.
- Keep it Simple in Significant Relationships acknowledges that even in the complexity of significant relationships, it is possible to make or Keep It Supremely Simple.
- Smile: I Wake up Smiling describes how Jeanie uses her morning smile to begin her day, nourishing her throughout the day.
- Thanksgiving Reminds Me to Be Thankful and to Say Thank You focuses on the power of being in a state of thankfulness and expressing thanks.
Effective Use of Thoughts and Language
- Ask Questions that are Empowering provides you with many different questions that you can ask yourself or others that encourage empowering answers. These questions move you forward on your personal development journey rather than backward.
- Feel Better One Thought at a Time is a short poem about a simple approach for experiencing greater happiness as a result of intentional positive thought choices.
- Five Types of Affirmations for Personal Development defines five different types of affirmations for empowerment, including examples.
- Loving Affirmation: I Want to be More Loving in My Heart encourages you to find and read passages that are empowering to you, suggesting such a passage.
- Writing to Your Target Audience describes an energetic technique to help you to write more effectively for your target audience.
Breathing, Meditation, Visualization
- Creative Visualization Breathes Life Into You describes the power of creative visualization and mental imagery in manifesting your life's experiences. You are always creating your own life through your thoughts and images and words.
- Empowering Meditation Self Talk helps you to be more aware of the thoughts you think and speak about meditation.
- Meditation for Beginners encourages new meditators to get started by relaxing, breathing, creating a transition, and organizing for success.
- Notice the Dynamics of Your Breath describes the importance of noticing the various dynamics in your breath.
- When is the Best Time to Meditate? helps you to clarify the best time or times for you to meditate for maximum benefit.
Intention and Goals
- A Bridge to Intention for a Powerful Statement suggests phrases and ideas that help you to formulate an effective statement of intention.
- Set Your Goals Again and Again encourages you to set your goals, especially life goals, again and again so that when your dreams come true and you achieve your goals, you are happy.
- The Power of Intention: A Journey describes how Jeanie began her journey to understanding and leveraging the power of intention to encourage you to be more aware of your intention.
- Article Submission Tips for Directories provides information to help Personal Development professionals to get content or information onto the Internet quickly.
- Stress Reduction for Personal Development Speakers offers a myriad of suggestions for reducing your stress when you present to groups in various settings.
Ross NLP, SpiritualLife Coach
Spiritual Life Coaching School
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