lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Are YOU Awake Yet? (Part I)

Although you believe you woke up this morning it is highly likely that you are still asleep. Not from the kind of sleep that keeps you unconscious during the night, but the kind of sleep that has overcome us all, to some extent or other, during our waking hours. It takes time and the practice of self awareness to ‘wake up’ from the illusions and beliefs, accumulated on life’s journey,  that keep us less conscious, less aware, during our waking hours, than we could be.

However, we have been in this form of sleep for so long that our thought and behaviour patterns based on these beliefs and illusions are now so well established.  Waking up and staying awake means ‘seeing through’ the illusions and recognising the false beliefs to which we are subconsciously (or unconsciously if you will) clinging.  Only when we reawaken a deeper awareness of what is true can our thoughts/feelings/emotions/behavi-

ours change.  Some of those illusions or beliefs are so obvious we might wonder why we didn’t see through them earlier.  Others are harder to see as we are so deeply schooled, trained or to some extent “educastraded” to believe that these beliefsIllusions are true!

Are you awake or are you still asleep?  We can only fully know for our self.  Here are four of the main signs and symptoms of someone who is sleepwalking through their life. 

1) Stress Projections
You are still asleep if you blame others, situations or events for your stressful feelings.  You believe others create your stress.  Stress is a form of pain or discomfort that comes to tell us there is something we need to change within our self, not in the other.  All stress is self-created regardless of the circumstances.  That’s why some people appear to be emotionally devastated by some situations whereas others sail on through without a second thought.  Every time you blame others for what you feel it means you are asleep to the truth that your thoughts and feelings/emotions are your response, therefore your responsibility or ‘response ability’.  The awakened person accepts full responsibility for their thoughts/emotions/attitudes/actions…everywhere and always!  This is not at all easy, especially when almost everyone seems to find it easier to point the finger, which means they have learned to believe ‘it’s not me, it’s them

2) Self Comparisons
You are still asleep whenever you compare yourself with another person.  It means you have not yet realised your own uniqueness and value/worth.  In effect you are saying, “I want to be someone else”. This means you are aspiring for someone other than your uniqueness. ¿Who wants to be someone else other than one themselves?  You believe that you should aspire to be like someone else and that when you are you will have achieved some sort of “success”.  Which of course, is impossible.  Or you unconsciously believe, “I am unworthy, I am of less value/worth than them”.  Which is not true!  The awakened soul or individual knows their value/worth and is able to affirm their own worth.  They never aspire to be someone else other than them.  They are constantly rising to the challenge of expanding their capacity and awakening their own true potential.

3 Controlling Behaviour
You are still asleep whenever you attempt to control or manipulate blackmail or bribe others.  Whenever you become upset with someone it means you subconsciously/unconsciously believe you can control what you cannot control.  You believe that you can make others do your bidding.  Sometimes it looks like they do, but they don’t.  The truth is everyone makes their own decisions on how they will act and interact, regardless of the external situation and circumstances.  If you are a clever sleepwalker you may even sense the vulnerabilities of others and be quite adept at exploiting them to your own ends.  But that only keeps you locked in a false power trip that is actually draining your power and energy.  As you try to take advantage of the other, deep down your conscience knows that you are compromising your authenticity and acting against the grain of right relationship.  The awakened soul/person never takes advantage of other sleepwalkers.  They know their role is to awaken others, not exploit them.

4 Emotional Indulgence
You are still asleep when you indulge your emotions, when you go searching for some stimulus to invoke the ‘feeling’ of certain emotional states.  Perhaps you like to argue because is seems to enliven your day, which means you are indulging in anger.  If you keep talking about what went wrong, what you have lost, it means that you like to wallow in your own sorrow.  And if you keep looking into the future with trepidation and anxiety then you are likely to have an addiction to fear. The awakened soul/individual has broken their addiction to, and dependency on, their emotional states.  This is what I call emotional intelligence (or wisdom if you will). They have relearned to choose and create their feelings at each moment in every scene.  Not so easy in a world where the most common currency of exchange in our relationships tends to be such ‘unhappy emotions’.

To raise self awareness review which of the above symptoms that you display the most – rate each one (1 is low and 10 is high)

Take one of the above each day for the next few days and visualise the awakened state and see how well you can practise it during the day.

Send this to a friend and begin a conversation entitled “Waking Up – Do You Agree?” and in so doing support each other as you develop your mutual understanding of how to change the above ‘sleepy’ patterns.

Are YOU Awake Yet? – Part II

Waking starts to happen the moment you realize that you are doing one of three things – reacting to something/someone, resisting something/someone or repeating a previous mistake.  In each case it is the ‘noticing’ of some form of discomfort or emotional suffering that signals the emergence from the sleep of illusion.  However just as there is a moment when we awaken in the morning it’s the next moment that holds the choice to either stay awake or go back to sleep!  Similarly as soon as we notice that we are reacting, resisting or repeating it’s the next moment that will define whether we want to stay awake or prefer to go back to sleep and allow the reaction/resistance/repetition to take over.

More often than not it seems to be the easy option to return to our slumber (just as we do in our beds on weekends!) and in many ways we won’t stay awake until the suffering that is the condition of our sleepiness is either so great we don’t want to go back to sleep or we are just tired of sleeping (suffering)!  Either way, just as we eventually have to awaken in the morning so, some day, we will have to awaken from the illusions and beliefs that keep us asleep i.e. unaware of reality.

In the meantime here are four of the other signs that we may be sleepwalking through the days of our lives.

5 Being Controlled
You are still asleep if think you are being controlled by others, the government, circumstances etc.  Just as we saw last week that we cannot control someone else so no one can control us.  It can be hard to see this if we had controlling parents and teachers and perhaps controlling friends.  In which case we have been conditioned to believe we can be controlled.  But they don’t (and didn’t) really control us, it just seems that way until we realize regardless of the situation we create our own responses.  The awakened soul knows that they make their own decisions, create their own thoughts and feelings, and generate their own actions everywhere and at every moment of their life, regardless of the circumstances.  Realising this sets us free of the illusion that we are victims or slaves.  Staying awake and free in a world that celebrates the opposite is a daily challenge.

6 Happy Purchasing
You are still asleep if you go shopping to be happy.  It means you are still attempting to complete yourself with something that is not you!  It means you are still trying to find fulfilment by filling your life with stuff.  The awakened soul knows that they are already complete and can never be diminished.  Their only effort is to remember and reveal their already full filled self every day!

7 Problem People
You are still asleep if you believe the ‘other person’ is the problem.  You have not yet realized that it’s not what others say or do that is the problem, it is how you judge them that creates your negative feelings about them.  In effect it’s how you see them that’s the real problem.  But even that is not a problem. It just means we have not yet learned to choose how we perceive others, we are still at the mercy of old conditioned perceptions, based on beliefs created yesterday.  One clear sign of this is an absence of compassion towards others.  To the awakened soul the ‘other person’ is never the problem.

8 Detached Expectations
You are still asleep if your happiness is dependent on your expectations being met.  You probably have not yet seen that your expectations are really desires in disguise.  And all desire has fear (stress) built in – fear of not getting what you want.  It means you still believe you are missing something in your life, in your self. And when your expectations are not met you get upset and thereby chase your own happiness away.  The awakened soul has ‘desire free’ expectations and if they are not fulfilled it’s OK, they don’t lose the plot, because their happiness is not dependent on their expectations being met.

Waking up from these illusions and staying awake is the challenge we all face if we are to live peacefully, lovingly and joyfully.  Hence the value of developing 'vigilance' in the form of attention and awareness.  It’s not that we need to struggle to get rid of these illusions and beliefs but simply see them for what they are and thereby ‘see through’ them.  Only then will they lose their power to shape our thoughts, feelings and actions.  On the journey between ‘here’ and being fully and consistently awake there are the inevitable fluctuations between waking and sleeping, victory and defeat, illusion and reality, until staying awake is as natural as being asleep used to be!  After a while it becomes obvious that everyone, no matter how exalted or elevated, how humble or how simple they me be, will have to make the same journey, make the same effort, undertake the same practice. If we sleep together then we awaken…together!

To raise self awareness review which of the above symptoms that you display the most – rate each one (1 is low and 10 is high)

Take one of the above each day for the next few days and visualise the awakened state and see how well you can practice it during the day.
Send this to a friend and begin a conversation entitled “Waking Up – Do You Agree?” and in so doing support each other as you develop your mutual understanding of how to change the above ‘sleepy’ patterns.
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Ross Galán, Spiritual Life Coach
at the Spiritual Life Coaching School

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