I don't need anything .... except this
Whenever I try to downsize or simplify my life, I think of that scene played by Steve Martin in The Jerk where he renounces everything except his ashtray. That is, his ashtray and paddle game. His ashtray, paddle game and remote. Etc.
At home, I've done a bit of decorating and I'm currently looking to find a space for everything (after our extension has been built) and at the same time I'm trying to simplify - get down to just the necessary items. But what is necessary and what is luxury?
Old magazines, newspapers, documents, etc - I'm unlikely to go back to these things and read them. And any financial statements, receipts, etc. over 7 years old (I think that's the magic number) can be shredded. Also, manuals of appliances that I no longer own can go. That's easy.
Hobby stuff - not really necessary for basic survival, but a little tougher to let go of. They go in the if-there-is-space-left-over-I'll-keep-it pile. Same with extra clothes (or any things) that are used less than 5 times in a lifetime.
Some things I've come to rely on - computer, telephone, stereo - very useful although don't quite fit the basic survival list. These go in the things-that-can-stay-in-the-house-but-not-go-with-me-in-an-emergency pile.
The basic survival pile consists of food, clothes, something to cook the food, tin opener, washing up items, shelter (house or, in extreme cases, tent), etc. But, these are things needed to look after the body. Do I need the body?
I am a soul. I am not the body. The body needs the soul. They need each other. The soul “needs” the body only to manifest its innate qualities. If the soul wants to see, speak, smell, hear, touch, experience, then, yes, the soul needs the body. But the soul doesn't need to do any of these things - they are extra. Like a hobby. Perhaps the body goes in the hobby pile? Lol!
The soul always survives, it is eternal. So when I simplify my life, I can remember, that I don't need anything. As a soul, I already have EVERYTHING! I have a family of souls, I have a Father, the Supreme Soul, I have a soul home and soul qualities and the peace and contentment that comes with being a soul. Everything.
So, it can all go. The body, too. But wait. Before you go dump it all at the rubbish tip, what do you have that can be used in a worthwhile way? What do you have that can help other souls realise they are souls and have the same peace and happiness that you find when you see yourself as a soul?
All these things go on the things-of-which-I-will-be-a-trustee-and-use-in-a-worthwhile-way pile. And this includes the body and the basic survival pile for the body and anything of worthwhile use in the other piles. When we sort with this awareness and clarity, then we never miss anything (we have everything already) and we never become burdened with 'stuff'.
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Ross Galán, NLP Spiritual Life Coach
Spiritual Life Coaching School
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