The last Murli (lesson 'delivered' by Avyakt Brahma Baba) of the season to be delivered to the Brahma Kumars (single unmarried man) and Kumaris (single unmarried woman) taught that we are to maintain our zeal and enthusiasm with an air of unlimited disinterest. When I first read this, I thought, 'This can't be possible. How does one appear enthusiastic whilst remaining disinterested? Does this mean we are to only ACT like we're enthusiastic?'
As perplexing as this lesson was, it's the kind of lesson I like. It makes me ponder and question and get ideas from others as I discover and imbibe the true meaning. And, so, following, are a few of the ponderings to come out of this exercise.
When someone discovers something new, that discovery is exciting. The discoverer wants to share his news with others and explore the depths of his discovery further. He has great zeal and enthusiasm for his findings.
However, the discoverer does not get stuck into one aspect of the discovery. Say he is discovering water for the first time. He might be excited to have found something wet and colourless, but he will also be excited to find it can take a gasseous form and solid form. He will be amused to see that the solid form will float in the liquid form. He will record all the properties. And when he has learned all that he can, he will move on to looking for something new to discover, perhaps mercury. His unlimited disinterest is his realization that all things are temporary, and that all situations pass with time. To be engrossed and only interested in the wetness of water, he will never discover the amazing properties of mercury! And so he has zeal and enthusiasm for exploration and discovery, but unlimited disinterest in so much that he does not show interest in one area only, but in all possibilities.
If you've every seen Dadi Janki (now the Head of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University) speak, you will see a good example of this (you can find videos of her on YouTube). She speaks with zeal and enthusiasm. She is animated and engaging. However, she also displays unlimited disinterest. Once a moment passes, it's past, gone. She doesn't try to retrieve it. Every moment and every one she greets is treated with equanimity.
May the sparkle of zeal and enthusiasm shine on your face whilst maintaining the attitude of unlimited disinterest.
Ross Galán, NLP Spiritual Life Coach
Spiritual Life Coaching School
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