jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

The Law Of Karma

Karma - learn to be aware of the outcome of all your actions

Final part

Spiritual life should be fully aware - aware of all POSSIBLE outcome of all your actions you PLAN to undertake BEFORE you actually start them. Like a chess player who has to think as many steps of the game ahead at any given point of the game to prevent defeat. Hence you should think about all potential possibilities of all actions you PLAN - then after having assured that all outcome is safe and for the benefit of all - act.

Here a few examples:When opening business or selecting a jobAnswer yourself the following questions:
1. What is the future need of such products or services?
2. Do you have to compete against others?
3. May competitors be jealous or envious of you and compete your business?
4. Can your service or product be abused or misused to damage or hurt others?
5. Can your product or service be a threat to others, to the environment or to the creation?
6. Can others misinterpret or abuse your statements or products or services to cause you legal problems and cause difficulties to you?
7. Can there be shortages of your supply that could cause problems for you to provide or deliver services or products to you customers?
8. Can inventions you make be used or abused for other than peaceful projects?

Such and similar questions should go through your mind and be answered before you make decisions and undertake actions. If you can assure yourself that there is zero risk that anything you do can ever bounce back in a harmful way to others or your self. if you are 100 % sure that all you do or provide in services or products is for the benefit and only benefit and nothing could ever be abused for violent or destructive actions against anyone - human - non-human - animal - environment or entire creation - THEN you can rest assured and in peace of mind that any result of your actions will be of ONLY positive nature and hence empty of any potential harmful and expensive karma.
Karma ALWAYS is expensive for YOU because you and only you are the one to pay full price for any possible damage - no matter what insurance you might have. Insurance may eventually pay money - but YOU are to pay true karma and you are the one to dissolve all your karma in person!
You may want to compare your situation to past situations of OTHERS. Learn from history - learn from mistakes made before by you or others!
Based on such comparison - and based on your knowledge of the PRESENT global situation of jobs and entire industry as well as future development already underway and based on your SPIRITUAL knowledge, ask god for guidance and learn to look into the future and plan to avoid any problems at all. Build solid future on a strong spiritual base rather than high risk just for eventual high short time profit or gain.

When looking for a living partner
There are more complex questions to be asked that can never be answered purely based on material or physical facts. A human partner is a MULTI-dimensional being, emotional, mental, intellectual, spiritual, karma, and much more may affect your decisions. All YOUR factors as well as all mentioned factors in a POTENTIAL partner.

A wrong decision in selecting a living partner may affect you much more - financially as well as spiritually - as any wrong decision in business or job ever could!


An intellect may lie or pretend and mislead you - however a heart never lies and subconsciously every - ALL - other person ALWAYS reveals his true innermost being. See the many microletters as well as the publication "secrets of love" to learn all or as much as possible before making such decisions for a life time.
Some of the most important factors that you really NEED to consider from the very beginning when selecting a partner are:
1. Do we both have real goals beyond present material
existence- eternal goals - for the mutual benefit of ALL?
2. Are these mutual interests beyond these present years - your eternal goals - already fully reflected in your present job or activities? One key point for all is to LEARN - to SPIRITUALLY learn and grow stronger and wiser in their love and life. is this what both - YOU and your potential partner are actually DOING NOW ... these very days and weeks - consciously learning to improve love ?
3. Is love the most important key factor for BOTH FOR this potential relationship ? or is your attraction and relationship only based on some superficial and temporary outside interests like your CURRENT hobbies, recreation activities or your present job ? your interest like hobbies or recreation or even job may totally change within just a few years - from ONE day to another - and any relationship based on such superficial factors may lose its mutual basis instantly at any given time when one or both have expired their lessons or attraction to a particular area of interest.
4. Do you have any mutual interest for the benefit of OTHERS or is one of you or both of you only self focused on your own life?
5. Do you have a mutual SPIRITUAL base for your relationship? There simply is NO possible lasting relationship if in one or both a spiritual base is MISSING at present. Spirituality is YOUR absolute truth and true being. Anything physical or material only may eventually serve either your ego or your short term spiritual lessons.
6. do you have from the VERY first day - from the very first ONE day and ONE night - total opening and harmony between BOTH of you in ALL aspects of relationship ? If no - if you or your potential partner expects things to improve or be fine LATER - that LATER may be after


Here I give you a simple and very realistic example from my very own earthly parents:
they got married in the early 50-ties last century - after meeting in the years just after world war 2 in Germany. the situation for ALL was difficult at that time because much in Germany was destroyed - housings bombed, infrastructure destroyed, all hungry for many years, misssing school education
or professional training due to war.

The first priority for many was bare survival - working together to share expenses in life and just survive and progress materially! Little Or no thoughts about true love
and harmony. Going to church - YES - because ALL suffering people go to church! But that has absolutely NOTHING to do with any SINCERE spirituality at all. My parents went every Sunday to church - until they got out of all post war trouble some ten years later and then suddenly stop praying and stopped going to church at all - just like many on this planet remember God only when they are in pain or deep shit ... that re-started in central Europe in the 60-ties and after. Life was simple - no bed - only sleeping in straw on the ground and working harder and harder to save money and "make it".

Severe illnesses resulted in such an environment of hate and violence due to missing love and mutual harmony - because there was zero mutual spiritual basis and no harmony between the two at all. Fighting started in the very first years of marriage. Some 20 years later the mandatory AND very expensive divorce came.
Thereafter decades of new life for both. New partners, new separations, more illnesses and accidents. decade after decade. At high age my earthly mother finally confessed that at absolutely NO time of her entire relationship she ever loved my father! even before marriage. All relationship was based on NON-love basis - purely material and financial. Hence NO sexual relationship - no caresses - ONLY illness as a result of total suppression of sexuality 
as the most direct manifestation of true partner-love.
After many decades of separation - both finally learned many lessons in life - and even started to become a little spiritual and started to think about love - and at the age of 70+ my mother confessed to me that NOW she could LOVE my earthly father (but he was happily married at that time).

This - for both concerned partners - learning experience occurred far after divorce - much too late for THIS incarnation to be of any benefit for any of them. it WILL however be of eternal benefit for BOTH of them - because they ARE eternal partners having lost love-contact for centuries to go trough lasting periods of war against each other.
Essence of above brief story is:
MUTUAL LOVE and true innermost harmony MUST be existent from the very first day or any potential relationship - even with "an eternal true and one and only partner" may fail almost
100 % sure!!!!
Why?Because true harmony in ALL aspects of a divine relationship - true divine and FREE flowing, uplifting love, love in both directions IN BOTH partners is the result of a DECISION FOR LOVE - FOR GOD !! either that decision has already be made or it may take years most likely decades to evolve again out of all accumulated EGO in one or both potential partners.
HERE on earth basically ALL humans are here because once a long time ago they have made a CLEAR decision AGAINST God and against love! That's why they all are HERE rather than at home! Hence only those having learned from all the experiences, pain and suffering and as such result having made a CLEAR and firm strong decision FOR GOD and FOR LOVE are really ready and suitable for any lasting and happy love-relationship!

Hence before making a decision FOR a particular potential partner - learn to BE aware of YOUR true and sincere innermost intentions as well as the true sincere intentions of your potential partner BEFORE making a decision that may cost you decades, an entire incarnation ( like in my earthly parent's case and MANY other known cases ) and finally wrong relationships always leave you behind with a "mountain" of new karma, emotional or even spiritual injuries and financial EXPENSES as well ... years or decades may often be required to work up and pay for all damages caused or resulting from wrong relationships that resulted from wrong decisions made by BOTH decades or even incarnations may even be required to HEAL emotional / spiritual injuries resulting from wrong relationships! While a truly loving relationship easily may uplift BOTH of you and speed up ALL your spiritual learning and practicing love for each other and for ALL as well.
Be like a chess playerWhatever you do or plan to do - be aware of your action - be aware of all possible POTENTIAL OUTCOME of your decisions and actions and learn to avoid to enter situations that lead you into high risk areas of life. Learn to avoid entering or creating complex situations that are difficult or impossible for you to predict in their potential of different possible OUTCOME.
Make your life simple and predictable - hence controllable and manageable by YOU in an easy and affordable way. Create or accept only situations of life that YOU alone can control and direct / redirect at any given time. instantly if needed and with only all the resources you really have at ANY given time to assure that ALL your solutions and changes you ever may need really re affordable by you without endangering your future material OR spiritual existence.
A simple life makes it much easier for you to clearly become aware of all your lessons and learn faster. Lesson by lesson. As you progress spiritually - you may learn soon to predict even more complex situations and hence prevent any possible negative outcome in your life as well as the life of all others. Intuition starts easier to work in your simple life than in complex situations. start like a baby ... have you ever seen a baby - 2 years old - attempting to windsurf in Beaufort 8 or attempting to climb mount Everest?

Babies start to walk and experience at home - in the protected secured environment created by LOVING parents who previewed ALL potential hazards of possible chemicals, electricity, dangerous objects and made sure babies always are safe under all and every and any circumstance.
Human SPIRITUAL learning also can - or could - take place AT HOME - in GOD - in your eternal home of everlasting love and bliss - if YOU are ready to make a clear and firm affirmative decision FOR LOVE in all and every possible
situation of eternal life. learning in a secluded environment like here on earth only is needed for those having failed to previously make such a decision FOR GOD and FOR LOVE and hence started to accumulate wrong decisions leading into more and more complex and darker situations and finally running totally out of your conscious direct control - even worst separation became so intense that even direct conscious and fully aware contact by GOD has been lost by most humans on earth.

NOW it is time to change - time to get all under YOUR direct control - by becoming a simple human conducting simple predictable and manageable life and focusing on all essential spiritual lessons of LOVE first of all - and PROVE this sincere divine love to all until you have found your way home - to God.
I love you eternally
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An explanation of metaphysical attraction between different souls according to forces of their Karma
When souls are incarnating into a physical body, different forces act at the same time. These forces may somehow be considered or compared to forces displayed by vectors acting in different directions with different power. Let's have a closer view at some graphical explanations to fully understand thiese phenomena. Figure 1:
A couple or husband / wife.
The X-like symbols from souls A and B mean the different karma that links these two souls and is now ready to be dissolved during present or future incarnations.
Karma caused together in past incarnations may attract the souls in any future incarnation until such Karma is completely dissolved. It can be dissolved by suffering the Karma originally caused, or by dissolving it with Love.
Of course it can be dissolved by the grace of God in the Divine fire of his Love if anyone asks God to remove such Karma and free the soul again.
Karma is neither "good" nor "bad", it is just like a magnetic force and can be caused by a number of different actions from either side of the couple.
Whatever you do to anyone else in your thoughts, your fantasy, or your actions, is coming back to you one day, unless you have dissolved this particular Karma in any way possible. There could be a wish or a promise to someone to have a child together, that may cause 2 souls to stay together for a while, there may be some ancient fighting that may need to be settled, or they may have been inseparable friends and are attracted by their friendship and Love for each other. Quite often however, the magnetic force of Karma attracting 2 persons is rather of the fighting category.

Two "enemies" may come together in a future incarnation by being mother - daughter or father - son or any other combination of close relationship. Incarnating as a child of a previous "enemy" will certainly cause most mothers/fathers, without knowing about the common past of all involved, just to love the newborn. This Love starts to dissolve all the Karma between the parties involved in that KARMA. LOVE is the fastest and smoothest way of dissolving any KARMA. LOVE IS THE WAY OF GOD. LOVE automatically leads to GOD.
The karmic links and arrows pointing outside toward X, Y and Z symbolize the other links of Karma toward other souls that might be active to a lesser extent at that time of life for these 2 particular souls.

Later on during the course of life, some or all of the Karma may expire or the forces of the remaining Karma toward other persons outside this relationship may become stronger than the one between the two. This may now constitute the beginning of a change in life for one or both of the two souls involved. One or both may start to orient themselves toward other people, eventually toward another single person. The person having the next most important Karma with that soul or just a person helping - usually helping the weaker one - out of the present situation to master the change of life and helping to reorient in life after having gained the new freedom from the previous partner. Such a helping person may be called catalyst. He appears suddenly in the life of a person, does his "job" and disappears again. He may remain just a very good friend or totally disappears out of sight for the remainder of this incarnation. Someone just coming into your life, getting you out of your apparent death-end road and once you are safe again, says "good bye". He then may have to follow his own path of life again.

These links of Karma are of course more complicated than just described. But this is the basic physiology of karmic links in life and you may now better understand why a situation in your life suddenly changes, why the attraction toward one single person vanished and suddenly other persons appear to be of more interest to you.
Laws and principles as described in the chapter about the physiology of Samyama
may also be involved in this process, as well as the development of your environment and your partner or your entire family. We all are one with God and one with our environment. Thus we are influenced by our environment and at the same time having ourselves an influence on our environment. We are part of the process of life and evolution and we are life and evolution ourselves. The driving forces behind all is the Divine core of our soul, our Divine heritage received from God assures, that finally we all evolve and may one day return to our Divine home in God.

To make you aware of the complexity of Divine laws and principles and allow you to even further your understanding of it, we will now have a look at a more complex situation including a small group of souls, like for example an average family consisting of wife, husband and 3 children.
But it could as well be a totally different combination like husband, mother in law, sister in law, grandfather, and finally husband of sister in law. Seems complex to you? Real life sometimes is much more complicated than this and still, from the absolute point of view it all is absolutely logic. Be always aware that God at all times has full overview and control of his creation and knows exactly what's going on and how to take care of his beloved children.
All the lines between any two circles symbolize karmic attraction. Now we have different categories of Karma included to show a more realistic situation.
Blue rectangles show Karma of anger, fighting, disagreement, arguments, let's call this "open bills".

Ellipses show Karma of friendship and friendly attachment to other souls. We call this just attachments
The yellow triangles are connections and Karma of pure Love. We just call it Love.
Some persons like A and B may only be linked by "open bills", that need somehow to be either paid or dissolved in Love. Dissolve in love 
in this case could mean that the one to whom you appear to "owe" something, may just say "let it be, it's OK". Hence your Karma is gone. That means no matter how big your Karma may appear, it may be dissolved instantly and then these two may suddenly friends and by having learned to love each others, have become free.
Two others in this group, A and D always were friends and remain friends. They are together to help each other and because they like each other from previous incarnations.
The spiritual evolution goes on and we have a look at C. this soul still has some "open bills" with D, friendship and "open bills" at the same time with A and links of pure Love with B and E. this soul has already evolved and learned to strive for more peace and even Love toward many persons around.
While we look at E and we see a soul who may be in the last physical incarnation. Because we find lots of love and friendship toward others, including souls who still are "fighting for open bills" like D and B. The small blue rectangles have become rather small compared to the power of Love that has developed and it seems that this soul incarnated to completely dissolve all the remaining Karma through the power of Divine Love without ever getting involved in any fighting or arguing anymore. Some of the blue rectangles may have been absorbed from the environment where this soul grew up, from violent father, mother, sisters, teachers, or a violent political environment of the native country. The driving force of Love has grown so powerful that this soul has fully realized the power of Love and helps / loves for the remainder of the incarnation to assist others in learning just by being a sample for them. Just by living and practicing a lifestyle of Love fully devoted to peace, friendship, Love and God. The Link of love toward X, Y and Z symbolize Love developed just about toward any person in any country, culture and religion, even beyond this planet or beyond human life forms. Such a soul has a great and powerful effect on all the environment and speeds up the spiritual growth of dozens, hundreds, thousand or even more other persons wherever they are, whatever they do.
D shows one large "open bill" with C, and several aspects of friendship. One with A and two others unmatched yet. One day soon this person may meet another friend and may suddenly be tired of fighting for "open bills", turn toward new friends and start a new life, with a new environment and soon starts to learn loving like E does. Showing a Link of love with E at present, E certainly has a positive impact on the spiritual growth of this soul and its personality, even in the future, when they may part. Links of pure Divine Love last for eternity, throughout the entire cosmic creation of God.
Karma is energy. Energy is life. Life is continuously changing. Karma is continuously changing. All these situations as described above may change within a few years or even suddenly within hours or even minutes and thus completely change your life. Everything is changing faster now than during the centuries before and will speed up even more in times to come. Start to learn a life style that does free you from any Karma. A lifestyle that supports your learning and practicing pure divine Love more and more. To learn to Love is much easier in a peaceful and loving environment. There is no need to go "through hell" just because you once started some fight with someone, and can't stop it, or immediately dissolve it in Love. Just refrain from fighting by moving into a more peaceful environment, by choosing some new friends and neighbors, another nation to live in, .... and you may easily start loving more and more intensely until you succeed, until you become a being of Love - angel like.
All Karma can be dissolved in Love. There is no reason why you should ever fight whatever the cause might be.
Turn on the fire of Divine Love within your self by stopping to fight or argue and start to focus on solutions of Love
Divine Love is the solution to all problems, practice it, and you may prove it to yourself and your environment.

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Ross Galan, NLP Spiritual LIfe Coach

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