Wha is Spiritual Life Coaching all about. Many seem to be talking about this type of Coaching these days and it's gaining grounds as world economic crisis escalates and thus making humans worry so much on the financial aspects of their lives. Spiritual Life Coaching focuses on bringing back the individual's true identity as a spiritual self or being irrespective of what religion (or lack of it) they beliebe and practise. Spiritual LIfe Coaching helps, obviously with the unconditional guidance and help of the spiritual life coach, the client in Spiritual Life Coaching sessions in a natural way of experiencing this identity through "soul-consciousness" or "spirit-consciousness" if you will.
To those of you who seem to feel uncomfortable with the words "soul" or "spirit", let's use the words "Living Energy" (or whatever word you feel comfortable with; after all Spiritual Life Coaching sessions make the person or client feels at ease forgetting, or at least setting aside for the meantime, what bothers or worries them at the moment: be it financial, relationships, illness, looks and some other things) that is occupying the physical body.
Having the experience that you are that "Living Energy" makes you feel that inner strength and stamina. It's this experience that serves as your "engine", your "petrol" to keep going in spite of all that is happening: physical, mental or emotional. With this awareness that you are that "Living Energy", a great deal of un-necessary worries fade away. Worries are precisely the things that make us inactive and inmobile in life, thus creating more worries in the future.
Spiritual Life Coaching is the type of coaching, to my mind, the only "piece of the puzzle" that is lacking to have a clearer picture of what life is: who we really are! Unless, this "piece of the puzzle" is "placed" in its proper place, the whole, clear picture of what we are woud not be appreciated fully. We may have all sorts of material, physical help and support we get from things and people, we will always be lacking "something" that really fullfils our self realisation in life. We all know of people who have no financial problems, people who have the air-brushed physical looks, have the "perfect" mate, but still they seem to feel "incomplete" and feeling empty. To fill this emptiness, we may consider having some sessions with a spiritual life coach.
Now I am discounting the fact that we do need material things to maintain our physical bodies in shape, but the more we have the inner strength and energy to look for the things we need, the easier for us to go out and search that which we need on a physical level.
What differs Spiritual Life Coaching from the rest of simply Coaching
Spiritual Life Coaching focuses on the true nature of the individual person regardless of religious beliefs and practices. It’s the improvement of the spiritual self of an individual. Through Spiritual Life Coaching (SLC), you will soon be aware or shall I say be re-aware of your original nature as a spiritual being. From here you begin to see yourself as positive, compassionate, loving and peaceful being as you have always been and are through your thoughts and thus bringing changes into your internal, personal beliefs of who you think you are. Spiritual Life Coaching focuses on positive, loving action and most important of all you will start using your awareness to bring the real changes in your inner world. You will be able to overcome all your created fears, anxieties and all sorts of negativities and take the right decisions.
Spiritual Life Coaching is much more personal and intimate than your regular Life Coaching sessions. Your spirituality is probably something that you don’t discuss with other people, so finding the right kind of spiritual coach is important for you to feel comfortable about your sessions.
In fact, Spiritual Coaching sessions are very similar to regular ones for Life Coaching in terms of content and structure. Many Life Coaching techniques are even used for Spiritual Life Coaching sessions, albeit in a slightly modified form.
A “true” Spiritual Life coach, they must live their day-to-day lives of what you are “preaching” others. Needless to say, you needn’t belong to any religious belief whatsoever, but yes, you need to be seen in a natural way the moment you start talking. The way you carry yourself with people around you: your single movement, the way you make eye contact with people, the choice of words you use. All this comes naturally. You need not learn this from any outside source. Just tap into yourself, being aware that this is your innate, true nature as a spiritual being. We are all spiritual beings regardless of what religion you practise. We all know that being spiritual does not necessarily mean religious. In fact you can be a very religious person and likely not spiritual at all. But you bring into your awareness that you are a spiritual being, you needn’t be religious.
“Spiritual”, from the word “spirit” which has taken different ways of calling it; some call this “entity”, Energy, Higher Consciousness, Vital Force, the Heart, that living Consciousness that inhabits or uses the physical body and animates it. Without this awareness, we might as well be a corpse.
The most important thing a spiritual coach shares with in their sessions is to let the client feel this living, loving, vibrant entity pulsating in all their body cells and blood running in every vein of their body. In short Spiritual Life Coaching lets the client feel that blissful feeling inside them all throughout during the session. And with this feeling, the client is internally energised and energetic to find solutions to whatever is getting in the way in their lives that prevent them from feeling for themselves what they ought to be feeling.
As a client, you have to be focused on making a change in your life, an inner change, a shift in consciousness and committed to the process. If you are just going to continue living life the way you were before, focused only on the material; i.e., you are a physical body, worrying what to wear, how to comb your hair, what to eat today and the day after, what car to drive and so on, but say you’re changing, this is obviously not for you. You have to be willing to spend time every day to turn inwards thus changing your behaviours and attitudes towards life’s circumstances, you yourself and others. You will need to start thinking of everything and everyone else including you in a more positive way, and do your best to believe that everything and everyone in your life, whether good or bad, has come into your life for a positive reason. This may be hard to understand because some things and people that seem terrible may not seem to serve an obvious purpose, but they may simply be an opportunity to learn or appreciate things in your life more fully.
You may find better luck if you are a religious person or simply a person of faith. To have faith you do not necessarily need to be committed to a specific religion, but you need to believe in a greater “Power” who is good, and that your life has a purpose. Again this “Power” has been given lots of labels, from "God" to "Consciousness", to "Energy", to "Heavenly Father", to "Allah", to "Shiva"... and all sorts of name. This “Power”, in fact, has no name at all. The Buddhist when meditating do not direct their thought(s) to any of these. They just sit quietly and feel, experience the blissful, serene, peaceful feeling.
Some people that find assistance through Life Coaching are people with medical problems, individuals who’ve had alcohol or drug problems in the past, or people who are at a career change in their lives.
A spiritual life coach is a person who has already been empowered in their own right through their own spiritual journey. A spiritual life coach would share with us to enjoy our life to the fullest. That way, he or she would be used to people like you who are in a spiritual flux or limbo. A spiritual coach would also be able to share with you the subtle differences between beliefs and thoughts.
If you’ve decided you are ready to make your life better and get yourself on the path to success both personally and in your career, you might want to try looking into Spiritual Life Coaching with the “right” Spiritual Life coach to improve your personal, professional and spiritual life.
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Ross Galan, NLP Spiritual Life RossSpiritualLifeCoachingSchool
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