jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Giving up ego - Living an Egoless Life... Not an easy job, but it's possible 

For Lent I set out to give up ego (arrogance). I know many teachers on the subject and so I have received lots of help and advice. However, I do find myself talking about myself and writing about myself - all the time! When sharing what I understand of Raja Yoga, I find it helpful to relate to it using personal experience. I also enjoy learning by hearing of others’ personal experiences. So there is this challenge of using the self’s experience as a teaching tool without pumping oneself up or putting oneself in the limelight. I think this falls under the definition of unlimited renunciation - that is to renounce completely, but to still use in a worthwhile way.

I can’t honestly say I’ve achieved this. I know the methods - there are several. But it requires discipline to actually imbibe this and make it natural. Then there is the contstant checking - do I become prideful when praised or sorrowful/angry when insulted? Do I have expectations of receiving respect or recognition? 

There is one more week of Lent. Time to make intense effort. Watch this space, and, if all goes well, ’I’ will disappear!)
UPDATE: I had received a message from my mother. She said she couldn’t see my profile. She uses MS Explorer. So I looked at the profile using Explorer - I had completely disappeared! Yay! I did it! But it’s not much help when I refer people to the profile and they can’t view it. I’ve updated the profile so that it is now visible in Explorer. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
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Ross Galán, NLP Spiritual Life Coach
at the Spiritual Life Coaching School

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